Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lingerie Shoot!!

As promised I've made a selection of some images taken with the LX3 at the lingerie shoot. My good friend and amazing photographer Gary Rodrigues was at the studio, we collaborated on lighting, came up with some unique formulas, and most importantly had a blast. Our model, the lovely Megan was amazing to work with.
The photoshoot went on a course of its own. That's what happens when three crazy creative minds come together. I hope you enjoy these images, they're just a sneak peek as to what's to come on



link to: Gary Rodrigues

link to: Megan

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Hello all!

This is my first blog entry! I'm really new to this whole thing, but I've been thinking about it all day. This is a great outlet to share my stories and experiences, as well as some images, of course.

I'm continuously working on creative projects, progress on these will be posted here.

One little project that I have going for myself is shooting with my pocket camera.
My interest in photography began in high school, shooting with the solid Pentax K1000, an oldie but a goodie, even today. I've always been shooting with SLR's and DSLR's. I began getting tired lugging all of my gear around, so I decided to purchase a 'point-and-shoot' camera. It took me a year of research, and tinkering but I ended up with the Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3; follow the link to Panasonic Canada for info:

I love this little camera, I can take it everywhere with me. The lens, although limiting at times, breathed life back into macro and wide angle photography to me. It has very cool settings and scene modes; one of my favourite's being the 1:1(square) aspect ratio mode.
It takes amazing black and white images as well. Usually I'm an advocate of not shooting in camera pre-sets but the reason I got the LX3 was to forget about rules and regular workflow and to just have fun.

I take my LX3 with me everywhere I go - even on set, and I've been really happy with the results.

Stay tuned, I'm working on a gallery exclusively for this blog with images ONLY taken with the DMC-LX3.
